Fast DNA Complement Function

In the course of manipulating genomic data, it is often desirable to compute the "complement" of a given sequence.

Naive approach:

void dnaComplement(char *inputDNA, int length) {
    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        switch (inputDNA[i]) {
        case 'A':
            inputDNA[i] = 'T';
        case 'T':
            inputDNA[i] = 'A';
        case 'C':
            inputDNA[i] = 'G';
        case 'G':
            inputDNA[i] = 'C';

Can we do better? It is often desirable to process multiple input characters simultaneously in order to obtain a speedup.

This approach:

static const char *arr[256] = {
        "TTTT", /* omitted for brevity */ "CCCC"};
uint8_t toIndex(uint32_t input) {
    const uint32_t MASK = 0x06060606;
    auto x1 = input & MASK;
    auto x2 = x1 >> 1;
    auto x3 = x2 | (x2 >> 14);
    auto x4 = x3 | (x3 >> 4);
    return x4;
__attribute__((noinline)) void dnaComplement(char *inputDNA, int length) {
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
        uint32_t input = *(uint32_t *)(inputDNA + i);
        uint8_t index = toIndex(input);
        const char *complement = arr[index];
        *(uint32_t *)(inputDNA + i) = *(uint32_t *)complement;

And here's how the `toIndex` function works:

← DNA sequence to complement (up to 4 characters, only ACTG allowed)
x1 = input & mask:
x2 = x1 >> 1:
x3 = x2 | (x2 >> 14):
x4 = x3 | (x3 >> 4):

Here is the fastest approach I have found, using NEON instructions:

void dnaComplement(char *inputDNA, int length) {
    // Create a vector for each of the possible input characters
    uint8x16_t A = vdupq_n_u8('A');
    uint8x16_t C = vdupq_n_u8('C');
    uint8x16_t T = vdupq_n_u8('T');
    uint8x16_t G = vdupq_n_u8('G');

    // Process the input DNA sequence in chunks of 16 bytes (128 bits) at a time.
    // Handling of inputs that don't divide evenly by 128 bits is not shown.
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 16) {
        // Load 16 bytes of the input DNA sequence into a NEON register.
        uint8x16_t input_vec = vld1q_u8(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(inputDNA + i));

        // Create masks that identify the positions of each nucleotide in the input vector.
        uint8x16_t mask_A = vceqq_u8(input_vec, A);
        uint8x16_t mask_C = vceqq_u8(input_vec, C);
        uint8x16_t mask_G = vceqq_u8(input_vec, T);
        uint8x16_t mask_T = vceqq_u8(input_vec, G);

        // Use the masks to select the appropriate complement for each nucleotide.
        uint8x16_t result = vbslq_u8(mask_A, T,
            vbslq_u8(mask_C, G,
            vbslq_u8(mask_G, C,
            vbslq_u8(mask_T, A, input_vec))));

        // Store the result back into the input DNA sequence.
        vst1q_u8(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(inputDNA + i), result);

vdupq_n_u8: Creates a 128-bit vector with all 16 elements set to the specified 8-bit value.

vld1q_u8: Loads 16 unsigned 8-bit integers from memory into a 128-bit vector. This is used to load chunks of the input DNA sequence.

vceqq_u8: Compares each element of two vectors for equality and returns a mask vector with elements set to 0xFF if equal, and 0x00 otherwise. This is used to create masks that identify the positions of each nucleotide.

vbslq_u8: Performs a bitwise selection between two vectors based on a mask vector. Elements from the first vector are selected where the mask is 0xFF, and elements from the second vector where the mask is 0x00. This is used to select the appropriate complement for each nucleotide.

vst1q_u8: Stores 16 unsigned 8-bit integers from a 128-bit vector into memory. This is used to store the computed complement sequence back into the input array.